Sunday, June 23, 2013

It's NOT God's fault

Hey guys. This post is a bit different, but much needed. I saw a comment on YouTube saying that it's Gods fault there is sin in the world. Let me just say, that is NOT true! In no way, shape or form Is it God's fault there is sin in world.

Many arguments are made saying that it's Gods fault there is sin in the world because he knows everything and created everything. But that means He knew we were going to sin, not that He chose that for us. When God created us, He gave us the power of choice. We got to make descions in our lives and not just be aimless robots with everything programmed into us. God wanted us to choose to love Him and to choose to obey HIm and not just have it be programmed into us as if we were drones.

Since God gave us the freedom of choice, we could then choose to sin. Humans got greedy, we wanted to control everything and we thought we knew what was right. When Adam and Eve sinned, sin entered the world. Why? Because a human sinned! It's our fault. The Bible says that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God! Everyone is a sinner.

What exactly is sin, you might ask. The dictionary says It's " a transgression of divine law".Basically, it's anything we do that goes against what God has told us to do. Sin can range from disobeying your parents or lieing to murdering or adultery. The punishment for sin is death. And not just earthly death, but spiritual death. We deserve to go to Hell. God is Holy and can not have sin. But God loved us so much that he sent his Son to die in our place so that we could live. Jesus Christ, the perfect Son of God, died on that cross so you could live! But the best part is, He rose from the dead three days later, conquering death!

Does that make you feel something? Think about it this way. Before Jesus died, we were God's enemies. But He sent His Son to die for for His enemies so they could live. That would be like an American giving up their life so a terrorist could live.

So, what do you do with this info? God wants you to be a part of His family and to have a relationship with you. He has given you the FREE gift of salvation and all you have to do is take it. You can be saved from death and an eternity away from God. If you believe that you are a sinner and that Jesus Christ came to earth, died in your place and rose again from the grave three days later you can be saved! Pray to God, ask for forgiveness for your sins, and ask Him to save you. He hears prayers and He'll hear yours.

For more information on the sacrifice God made for you and how to get saved, go to the Gospel page on this blog or email me at and make the subject either Tribulation or Rebel.

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