Monday, May 9, 2016

Are we nearing the end?

Quite a bit of talk has been going on lately of the "end of the world"." Much of this is due to the impending election of 2016. Christians and unbelievers alike are in fear of the results and the future of this country.

But why? Why are Christians so afraid? Why are they saying that this means the world will end or that we are all doomed? Shouldn't Christians be the ones with the most hope for the future, since we know who has orchestrated this situation in the first place.

I understand you may not agree with what is going on in politics, but is that any reason to be fearful, or worse, disrespectful and hateful? In Romans 13, Paul says we are to respect those in government positions because they have been placed there by God. The Roman church was being persecuted when this was written. That little fact should put everything in perspective. If the Roman church is being called to respect the very government that is abusing them for their faith, how much more should we respect our government, one that allows us to freely worship.

Let this be an encouragement to you during this election season. Though the future might seem uncertain, God does in fact know what He is doing. This election is not a mistake and we are not doomed. We live in a sinful world and the effects of that can be seen in every area of life, including politics. Government officials are just like you and I-sinners. They are no worse or no better than any of us. Christ died for them and loves them, so why would we as Christians ever think of showing them anything less than love?

So, instead of ranting on Facebook and being bitter about the election, why do we not just pray for this country and for those running it? God is still sovereign- He has brought the world through so much and no matter the outcome, He will still be sovereign during and after this election.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The second Seal

The second Seal,the red horse,is found in Revelations 6:3-4.This judgement talks about peace being taken away from the earth and men killing one another. Most believe this is explaining what seems to almost be a "World War 3".

In the book of Daniel,we find three kings who will "oppose" the antichrist. These men will be three of the ten elected rulers antichrist chose to help him rule. When these three men rebel,antichrist will crush his enemies and bring forth destruction.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The first Seal

The first Seal judgement,found in Revelations 6, talks about the rise of antichrist. Around that time in history,the antichrist.Will be making his way to power and will be an important figure head. He will offer what most will see as peace,but those who know truth will not be fooled. He will oppose war,asking all nations to give him 90% of their weapons to be destroyed,which is in fact a lie.

The antichrist will have the characteristics of a man with good looks,but will be deceitful.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The New Babylon and other key areas of the End times

Several areas that are familiar to us will play prominent roles in the End Times. The Bible gives examples and explains what roles they will play.

Baghdad,Iraq:This will be the site of New Babylon,which is believed to be the place where antichrist will rule from. Babylon was originally destroyed in the ancient Bible Times and the rebuilding of the city will fulfill prophecy.

Israel: This one seems like a no brainer. Israel and the Jews will play huge parts in the end times. Nit only will the Glorious Appearing take place hear,many other things like the rebuilding of the temple,the desecration of the temple and the signing of a peace treaty will all take place in or with this country.

Two countries that are not mentioned in the end times are China and the United States. This is not to say we won't be involved,but these countries don't play specific parts.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


How did See you at the Pole go for you guys?Did you have any opportunities to share the gospel?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Spiritual babe?

Spiritual growth is an important part in our walk with Christ. We need to be growing closer to Him and deeper in our love for Him all the time. We should never be settled with our place spiritually.

Everyone grows spiritually at a different rate,but that is no excuse to stay a spiritual baby. We need to be spiritually mature. In order to do that,we must read our Bibles,pray and talk with God,serve others,and have fellowship with other believers.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Prayer Request

Most of you have probably heard what is going on in Syria. Please be praying about the situation and our country's part in it guys.God told us we are to pray for our leaders. and now that is really important. Be praying and stay informed on the subject.