
Im making this page so I can put some stuff on to help you guys out and to inspire you. To give you ideas how to help you communtiy. And how to be a leader. I will update this as much as I can.


February 8, 2013, Hey guys. I have not posted on this page in forever. Super sorry about that. I have a project that I need your help with. I am going to do a list of good Christian summer camps on this page, but I need some suggestions. If you have one, email me at subject Tribulation. 

Love Rebel

September 15
Ok guys. The past couple of days have been really hard for me. School has been super hard and then I have been having some problems with this friend. This got worse last night. Honestly I dont see a way out and I dont know how in the world God is gonna use this for good, but I have to believe He will. That He is gonna deliver me just like He did the last time something hard happened. God will deliver you too. We just need to follow Him.    

 September 9
Hey guys. Yesterday a girl commented on my last post on this page, asking for prayer. That really hit me. This girl, who is my sister in Christ, whom i have never met, whom i dont know where she lives or anything else about her, but she asked me to pray for her. That made my day. Guys, please send in prayer requests or if you ever just need someone to talk to or to give you adice please email me. I will pray for you. I do pray for you. I pray for the people who read this blog. You guys are the reason i do this. I dont blog just because its fun or people can complament me on what ive done. You guys are such a big part of my life and i dont even know you. But God does. Please guys comment or shot me an email, if you want to talk, or if God has something on your heart. And if you ever have something awesome or somthing that you want put on this page so others can be inspired or they can pray, tell me, and I will put on here. I love you guys. So does God ( He loves you more that i can or could ever ) <3 Rebel

September 6th
Ok guys. Ill be honest. I had a bad day. Some really hard stuff happened at school. And lets just I dont excatly have a bunch of freinds. This year is gonna be hard, and I know it. I know this page is for inspiring you guys, but i think we need to all inspire each other. Be leaders and life changers. Did any of you have a bad day? Did you have a bad day yesterday? Do you need prayer? Please guys, comment or email me  ( and please make the subject the Tribulation, and if you can say to Rebel) and I will pray! I want to be talking to you guys. I have some new things i want to try out soon, but if you have any ideas, please tell me. <3 Rebel
September 4th
Hey guys. Are you nervous about school? Ill be honset, I am. Im start pretty soon, and I am just so nervous about how things are gonna play out. I am guessing a lot of you are feeling the same way. I think we all need to stick together, even though we dont go to the same schools, and some people reading this are in differant countries! We need to remember other people are going through the same stuff that we are. Once you relize that, it will make a big differance. Trust me. Once we relize that there are people across the county, across the world going through the world, going through the same stuff as us, it really makes us think differant about out situation. It propbally wont make everything 100% better, but all together, we can make this year, differant that anything anyone has ever seen.     I love you guys. Rebel.                                                                                                                            


  1. Thanks for making thispage! School is hard for me too. Please pray for me. I realy likeyour blog! That picture inspired me!

    1. Your Welcome. I will definatly pray for you. Your the reason i do it. That picture inspired me too. My friend but it online, and I just had to put it here. Email me ( {subject Tribulation (i share the email)) If you ever need someone to talk to. Praying for you!!!

  2. Oh mygosh! Thank you so much for replying! I got so excited wen i saw you replied! i'll definately e-mail you if i ever needto talk about something! You seen so wise! And i can't wait for thisnew series! I'm your #1 fan!!!

  3. Your Welcome Beth. I love replying to the comments, its makes my day. Thank you so much! That is so nice of you! And it is very nice to know i have a number 1 fan. Email me any time.

