Monday, July 30, 2012

Hey guys!! Thanks for checking out my blog! Please tell me how im doing! Either comment here or email me at ( make the subject Tribulation). Thank you all!

Looking For the Blessed Hope!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tribulation Saints are people who accept Christ right after the Rapture. Tribulation Martyrs are Christians who are killed for their beliefs during the Tribulation.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Seventh and last Seal. Silence in Heaven for half an hour.
This judgment is really just preparation or a segue into the next woes ( the Trumpets). There will be no praises or singing in heaven for half an hour.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Seal 2. The Red Horse.
It reprsents war and bloodshed.
You guys know we have had our fair share of that now, but its gonna get waay worse. Its gonna kinda be like world war 3. And People are gonna murder a lot more. Its gonna be bad, and many will die

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012

Hey guys im back!! Super happy to be here back to the blog. The past week i learned tons of stuff about God. It was amazing. 

Fun Fact!!!
 During the Tribulation the amount of people getting saved will be unnumberable. ( And remember that John can number the 200,000 million horsemen) Thats a lot of brothers and sisters!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fun Fact!!
 In the Bible the Raputre is reffered to as the Blessed Hope, but the bible never calls it the Rapure.

Hey guys, i want to tell you how much i love doing this blog and how excited I get when i find out someone new has looked at it. Im sorry to say, that i will be away from the Internet for a few days, meaning i can not do anything for the blog. God has offered me a great opputuity, and I leave today. I will get back Friday morning, and i will hopefully be able to post more things then. Thank you.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Here is a prophecy that has not been fulfilled, but is in the works.
A one world economy.
You guys probably know that America is in ALOT of debt. I wouldn't be surprised, if there was a one worked economy soon. We are just making it easier to make one!!
Now this one might actually happen after the Rapture. What I mean by that is, well, after the Rapture. All of these signs are for the end times, or the Tribulation which will begin the end times, not the Rapture. This could quite possibly happen under the Anti-Christ.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Another prophecy that has been fulfilled.
People saying that there is no Christ, or that they are a god. When people say " Look Christ" or even when those people see Jesus in their soup, that's deception. False witnesses, they are everywhere. Don`t be deceived!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

There are many prophecies about the end times, but over the next few days i will show you the ones that happen before the Tribulation, and are leading up to it.
The biggest prophecy.
I`m sure you have all heard about Israel. Israels`s history goes way back into Bible time. Most of you probably know that there were 12 tribes in Israel. And that those 12 tribes, broke up into 2 differ ant countries. In Ezekiel 36-39, it talks about how God will protect Israel from her enemies. But it also says the whole house of Israel. That means, those two different countries are going to come together. Israel will be whole again!! And May 10, 1948, that happened. The ultimate sign for the End Times has happened. Praise the Lord!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The 144,000 wittnesses are belived to be supernatrualy protected from the anti-christ, meaning they he most likly will not be able to hurt them. They, like any other beliver will have the mark of God on thier foreheads. Other belivers though, could quite easily be hurt be the anti-christ or his people.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

After 1260 days, or about 3 and 1/2 years, of preaching, the witnesses time will come. They will be killed by anti-Christ, and people will celebrate. For three days people will rejoice in the streets and dance around the dead bodies. But after three days a voice will call them up to heaven, and they will ascend into the heavens.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

There will be a great Soul Harvest during the Tribulation ( around the second year ) This will be the time were the 144,000 wittnesses rise up and get saved. Through them many others willl get saved.

Monday, July 9, 2012

There will be two witnesses who just seemingly appear after the Rapture. Some believe they are reincarnations of the greatest Old Testament Heroes, Eli and Moses. They will preach for 1260 days, or about 3 1/2 years. Any who try to harm them will be burned with fire, that they will breathe from their mouths.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hello guys!!! Ill have a new series on the blog soon, but i decided to let you choose what I do. Any ideas? Plus, what do you think of the blog?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

               When Christ appears at the end of the tribulation, Anti-Christ, and the False prophet will be throw into the lake of fire along with the Dragon. Then Christ will start his 1000 year reign. At the end of those 1000 years, Satan will come back one more time, only to be defeated be Christ one and for all. Christ will make the New Jerusalem ( the new heaven and the new earth) and all will be glorious!!
           This concludes our series on the Anti-Christ. Please contact us if you have any questions we did not answer. The next series is coming soon..

Friday, July 6, 2012

                                                                Anti-Christ  Day 4
                After he rises, and is indwelt with Satan, Anti-Christ will make it illegal to walk around without his mark. This Mark is called the Mark of the Beast, and to buy and sell things this mark is required. It is a simple tattoo like mark either on your forehead or your right hand, your choice!!! It is either the name of the Anti- Christ, of his number, 666. God also will not let Christians take this mark, but none would want to. It makes like harder on then, because of no buying or selling and the consequence. Basically if you do not take it they will kill you. But if you do take it, your fate is sealed. By taking that mark, you might as well buy yourself a ticket to Hell, cause that is where you are spending eternity.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

                                                Anti-Christ  Day 3
                Anti-Christ can’t live forever, can he? Well, he dies during the Tribulation, at the 3 ½ year point, or half way through. Anti- Christ will die, and the world will mourn. Although what they don’t know is that he won’t stay dead.  He will rise from the grace, after what most believe to be 3 days, just as long as Christ was dead. When he rises, he will be indwelt with Satan, and have the world believe that he is its god.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

                                                                                Anti-Chirst Day 2
                The Bible refers to Anti-Christ as a Dragon. In the first half of Revelations 13, it speaks about him in the first half of the Tribulation. The passage says he has ten heads, which is referring to the ten pieces of land he will rule over, and those lands will rule the world.  They will be his ten kingdoms, and each kingdom will have one king or ruler to rule that piece of land and the general area around it.  Anti- Christ will start to have followers, have a one world government and religion, and will be making his way to ruler of the world.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

                                                Anti-Christ  Day 1
                Anti-Christ will be one of the first things new believers look for after the Rapture.  Scripture says that he will be handsome, and persuasive.  Many also believe he will most likely have Roman blood as Christ did, and that he will be a politician before that Rapture.  He will sign a peace treaty with Israel after the Rapture that is to last for seven years. He will also have every country give him 90% of their weapons and to keep the other ten percent. He tells them that he will destroy these weapons, since he is a lover of peace.  Those who have not put their faith in God will be deceived.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Tribulation is the time period after the Rapture, or the snatching away of God`s church. This time will last seven years. More infomation to come.