Thursday, February 28, 2013


Hey guys. Today I want to talk about witnessing. Of course there will be witnessing during the Tribulation, but right now I want to focus on it today.

Witnessing is hard whether you are in public school, Christian school, home-schooled, college or in the work place. But as Christians, we are called to be light. Just going out and meeting unsaved people is a great way to start. Through those relationships, you can then share the Gospel. You must be bold to.

For more help or prayer e-mail me at  subject Tribulation.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Tribulation Saints and martyrs

Tribulation Saints are those who are believers during the Tribulation. The Bible does not talk much about Christians during this time, but from what it does  say, there are mixed emotions. Many will come to believe in Christ during a great soul harvest. Also, many Christians will be put to death for their beliefs. Whether they are killed early on in the Tribulation for disrespecting the world's order and preaching or later on for not accepting the Mark of the Beast, their death is still blessed. The Bible says that these people will be rewarded.


Friday, February 8, 2013

New stuff

Hey guys. Sorry I have not posted in a while, but check out the new page, Prayer Center, and the new post on the inspiration page.

Love, Rebel