Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The second Seal

The second Seal,the red horse,is found in Revelations 6:3-4.This judgement talks about peace being taken away from the earth and men killing one another. Most believe this is explaining what seems to almost be a "World War 3".

In the book of Daniel,we find three kings who will "oppose" the antichrist. These men will be three of the ten elected rulers antichrist chose to help him rule. When these three men rebel,antichrist will crush his enemies and bring forth destruction.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The first Seal

The first Seal judgement,found in Revelations 6, talks about the rise of antichrist. Around that time in history,the antichrist.Will be making his way to power and will be an important figure head. He will offer what most will see as peace,but those who know truth will not be fooled. He will oppose war,asking all nations to give him 90% of their weapons to be destroyed,which is in fact a lie.

The antichrist will have the characteristics of a man with good looks,but will be deceitful.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The New Babylon and other key areas of the End times

Several areas that are familiar to us will play prominent roles in the End Times. The Bible gives examples and explains what roles they will play.

Baghdad,Iraq:This will be the site of New Babylon,which is believed to be the place where antichrist will rule from. Babylon was originally destroyed in the ancient Bible Times and the rebuilding of the city will fulfill prophecy.

Israel: This one seems like a no brainer. Israel and the Jews will play huge parts in the end times. Nit only will the Glorious Appearing take place hear,many other things like the rebuilding of the temple,the desecration of the temple and the signing of a peace treaty will all take place in or with this country.

Two countries that are not mentioned in the end times are China and the United States. This is not to say we won't be involved,but these countries don't play specific parts.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


How did See you at the Pole go for you guys?Did you have any opportunities to share the gospel?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Spiritual babe?

Spiritual growth is an important part in our walk with Christ. We need to be growing closer to Him and deeper in our love for Him all the time. We should never be settled with our place spiritually.

Everyone grows spiritually at a different rate,but that is no excuse to stay a spiritual baby. We need to be spiritually mature. In order to do that,we must read our Bibles,pray and talk with God,serve others,and have fellowship with other believers.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Prayer Request

Most of you have probably heard what is going on in Syria. Please be praying about the situation and our country's part in it guys.God told us we are to pray for our leaders. and now that is really important. Be praying and stay informed on the subject.

Friday, August 23, 2013

School Year

Hey guys. The school year is up and coming right around the corner. Some people have started,some still have a week and some are starting in just a few days. Are you nervous? To be honest, I somewhat am.

What do you want to make this year? For one thing, make this year count. Use every opportunity you get to share the gospel. You are the Light of the World and that light must shine through so others can glorify your Father in heaven.

Take a stand for Christ,even when no one else is doing it. Stand up for what you believe in. I  understand a lot of times this can get you made fun of. I've been made fun off for being a Christian. It still does hurt guys,but the pain will be a reward at the end. (And if people are making fun of you for being a Christian,you know people can see you light,but they don't want to accept it)

Give glory to God in all things that you do. Whether you are super smart,amazing at art, love to write, an athlete, love theatre, into music, or anything else, when you do it give the glory back to God. He is the one who gave you those abilities, so why not praise him and give him the glory.When people congratulate you, it's okay to be happy,but remember God is the reason you're doing this.

Be bold. Don't be scared of telling people about the gospel. They are people too and deserve to hear. We can't be scared of what they will think of us. At the end of the day, we are still on God's team, so what does it matter of someone thinks we are kinda weird.

Just talk to someone. This goes hand in hand with being bold. Just start talking to someone,build relationships, and then you may have an opportunity to share the gospel. Building relationships can let the other person know you care before you present them with the subject of God.

All in all guys, make this a year to remember. Have fun, do well in school and love God. He wants you to have fun and enjoy the things he has given you, so why not?


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fun fact

There are three sets of judgments:the seals,the trumpets and the bowls!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Revelations 12

Here is an old post from the blog on Revelations 12

Hey guys. Revelations 12 talks about the woman and the dragon and it can be a very confusing chapter. But for right now, I want to single in a little more on just one verse.

In Revelations 12:6 it says,Revelation 12:6

Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

 a lot of symbolism in this chapter. The woman represents Israel. Its saying in this chapter that there will be a safe haven for Israel in the last half of the Tribulation (1260 days equals three and a half years). Many scholars believe there will be separate safe havens for non-believing Israelis and believing Israelis and other believing Jews.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Take advantage of it

In every day life,there are so many opportunities to share the gospel. No matter what you are doing, look for ways to tell someone about what Christ has done for them. You never know when Jesus is coming back, so take advantage of every opportunity you get.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

1 Year Anniversary

Hey guys. One July 2, The Tribulation blog celebrated its one year anniversary! The past year has flown by and been filled with so many amazing things. To celebrate, I am reposting the most popular post from the blog. Even though the post is seasonal, the things it says can be done at any point in the year. Here us the blog post from December 31, 2012 entitled 2013:

Hey guys

I hope you're excited for 2013. 2012 has been a great year. A lot of amazing things have have happened. I know God has really blessed me this past year, and I hope He has blessed you too. One of the greatest things that has happened to me is the starting of this blog. It has been a blast.

Now, every year a lot of people make new years resolutions. Sometimes they are good and they end up keeping them, but sometimes they end up breaking them. Here are some new year resolutions that are really worth making.

  • Memorizing Scriptures
  •  Reaching out and witnessesing to lost people. (Look back to older archive The Challenge)
  • Get into God's word by doing devotions. Find one that works for you and use it to grow.
  • Serve in your community. Work in a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter or help with different events.
I hope you guys can use some of these. Most of these were mine for last year, or are ones for this year. I hope you guys have a great year. Email me if you succeed in a resolution or if you have any other resolutions.

Happy New Years

Sunday, June 23, 2013

It's NOT God's fault

Hey guys. This post is a bit different, but much needed. I saw a comment on YouTube saying that it's Gods fault there is sin in the world. Let me just say, that is NOT true! In no way, shape or form Is it God's fault there is sin in world.

Many arguments are made saying that it's Gods fault there is sin in the world because he knows everything and created everything. But that means He knew we were going to sin, not that He chose that for us. When God created us, He gave us the power of choice. We got to make descions in our lives and not just be aimless robots with everything programmed into us. God wanted us to choose to love Him and to choose to obey HIm and not just have it be programmed into us as if we were drones.

Since God gave us the freedom of choice, we could then choose to sin. Humans got greedy, we wanted to control everything and we thought we knew what was right. When Adam and Eve sinned, sin entered the world. Why? Because a human sinned! It's our fault. The Bible says that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God! Everyone is a sinner.

What exactly is sin, you might ask. The dictionary says It's " a transgression of divine law".Basically, it's anything we do that goes against what God has told us to do. Sin can range from disobeying your parents or lieing to murdering or adultery. The punishment for sin is death. And not just earthly death, but spiritual death. We deserve to go to Hell. God is Holy and can not have sin. But God loved us so much that he sent his Son to die in our place so that we could live. Jesus Christ, the perfect Son of God, died on that cross so you could live! But the best part is, He rose from the dead three days later, conquering death!

Does that make you feel something? Think about it this way. Before Jesus died, we were God's enemies. But He sent His Son to die for for His enemies so they could live. That would be like an American giving up their life so a terrorist could live.

So, what do you do with this info? God wants you to be a part of His family and to have a relationship with you. He has given you the FREE gift of salvation and all you have to do is take it. You can be saved from death and an eternity away from God. If you believe that you are a sinner and that Jesus Christ came to earth, died in your place and rose again from the grave three days later you can be saved! Pray to God, ask for forgiveness for your sins, and ask Him to save you. He hears prayers and He'll hear yours.

For more information on the sacrifice God made for you and how to get saved, go to the Gospel page on this blog or email me at and make the subject either Tribulation or Rebel.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gods not slow

Hey guys. Do you ever think that God is slow? Well, here is an old article I wrote explaining how He knows the perfect timing:

You probably all know about the Rapture. Its when Christ comes back for his own. A lot of people are trying to figure out when the Rapture is gonna happen. I want to tell you now, that if you came to this blog, hoping to get the date, well I don't have it, no one does.

But a lot of people want to know what is taking God so long? Jesus is pretty slow for coming back to get the Christians, right? Wrong!! God is not slow, merely patient. God is giving the unsaved more time to accept the gift of salvation, and the Christians more opportunities to reach the unsaved. God is not slow!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Son of Perdition

Only two people in the Bible are referred to as the Son of Perdition:Judas Iscariot and antichrist. Both of these men were indwelt with Satan himself. Judas Iscariot is the disciple that betrayed Jesus. After turning Jesus in, he hung himself. Antichrist's story is much longer though. He did much evil without Satan inside of him, but after he rises from the dead at the halfway point of the Tribulation and being insanely with Satan, there will truly be a new meaning to the word "antichrist". Antichrist will enforce a mark that  every man must bear in order to buy and sell anything. The punishment for not bearing the Mark is death. Though getting this mark, seemingly good at first, looks lime it will save you from death, it will actually do the opposite. By taking this mark, your eternity is thereby sealed to none other than Hell.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day. Thank you to all of those who fought for our freedom.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Revelations 12

Hey guys. Revelations 12 talks about the woman and the dragon and it can be a very confusing chapter. But for right now, I want to single in a little more on just one verse.

In Revelations 12:6 it says,Revelation 12:6

Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

 a lot of symbolism in this chapter. The woman represents Israel. Its saying in this chapter that there will be a safe haven for Israel in the last half of the Tribulation (1260 days equals three and a half years). Many scholars believe there will be separate safe havens for non-believing Israelis and believing Israelis and other believing Jews.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pray for Boston

Hey guys. Please keep Boston in your prayers. What we saw happen there yesterday was a truly tragic event. Pray for those who were effected and their families. And let this be a reminder that life is short and we need to make the most with the time we have. Tell people about Christ and what He has done for you!


Monday, April 1, 2013

Seize the day

Hey guys.Everyday that passes is one day closer to the Rapture. The Blessed Hope could be today, next week or any time. That means we Christians need to make the most of our time by serving God and telling people about the good news  of the gospel. Tell  your friends about God. It might be scary, but it's  totally worth it. Make the most of your opportunities. Serve God, and love and tell others!


Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Death of Yolo

Hey guys. Easter is coming up pretty soon. Are you excited? I know I am. Easter is the most important holiday to Christians.

The story of Easter is an amazing one. Jesus died for all of us, was buried and rose from the dead, concurring death. Jesus died so you don't have to. Isn't that Awesome?

Think about that though. Jesus really must of loved you to die for you. He really must of loved us all. He gave up His life so we can have everlasting life. Our King died for us.
Here is an amazing video that talks about Easter, and brings many great points we probably don't  think of often. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fun fact

Did you know the word Rapture is never used in the Bible, but in Titus, the event is refereed  to as the Blessed Hope. This name  fits very  well because as Christians,  the Rapture is such a big Hope to us.


Thursday, February 28, 2013


Hey guys. Today I want to talk about witnessing. Of course there will be witnessing during the Tribulation, but right now I want to focus on it today.

Witnessing is hard whether you are in public school, Christian school, home-schooled, college or in the work place. But as Christians, we are called to be light. Just going out and meeting unsaved people is a great way to start. Through those relationships, you can then share the Gospel. You must be bold to.

For more help or prayer e-mail me at  subject Tribulation.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Tribulation Saints and martyrs

Tribulation Saints are those who are believers during the Tribulation. The Bible does not talk much about Christians during this time, but from what it does  say, there are mixed emotions. Many will come to believe in Christ during a great soul harvest. Also, many Christians will be put to death for their beliefs. Whether they are killed early on in the Tribulation for disrespecting the world's order and preaching or later on for not accepting the Mark of the Beast, their death is still blessed. The Bible says that these people will be rewarded.


Friday, February 8, 2013

New stuff

Hey guys. Sorry I have not posted in a while, but check out the new page, Prayer Center, and the new post on the inspiration page.

Love, Rebel

Monday, January 21, 2013

First Trumpet

Hey Guys. In Revelations 8 it talks about the Trumpet Judgements. Let's focus on the first one.

Revelation 8:7 NKJV

The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.

In the first trumpet, a third of the trees,plants, and the grass will be burned up.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jewish Temple

Hey guys. So sorry I have not posted in a while. I have been super busy. I though I would get back into the swing of things with a little fact.

The anti - Christ will rebuild the Jewish Temple. That might sound crazy, but it is true. He will make peace with Israel by signing the covenant and many believe he will offer this to them before that so they will want to be peaceful with him.
