The Gospel

The Gospel is the greatest story ever told that's hardly ever told.

A lot of people have been talking about the end of the world. It seems like a pretty big deal. Even people who aren't saved believe in the Rapture, and are worried about getting Left Behind. But how can you prevent getting left behind. The Rapture is the snatching away of God`s church, or the Christians.

Well, let me go back a little. God created everything. The world couldn't of just poofed into existence, it just doesn`t make sense. And people say we came from this one little cell. But where did that cell come from? If you answer that, where did whatever you answer come from? That can go on and on until you don't have another answer, and then your stuck. Now some people try that with God, but he has not beginning and no end. Well they will say that doesn't make sense, and that everything needs a creator. Well, first off, if everything needs a creator, then that cell theory cant go on to long, and if God created the oceans, and the trees, and the birds, and you and me, does He really need a creator? And if someone created God, wouldn't that make them the god of the universe. God is so amazing, he has always been there and will be there for eternity.

 God made each and everyone of us. We were made in the image of God, and we were perfect, but then something went wrong. We started to get greedy, and lustful. We started to think that we knew better.  We sinned against a perfect and Holy God. We were no longer perfect, and couldn't be with God, since he is Holy.

We needed to find someway to get back from God, otherwise the punishment would be death. Not only physical death, but spiritually death. We would spend eternity in Hell, away from God. We needed someone to die in our place. And that person needed to be perfect otherwise the payment was not permanent. So if we were to find a perfect person, we would need them to willingly trade in their perfectness, for our sins. That perfect person was Jesus Christ. He died on the Cross for our sins, but that wasn't all. After suffering the criminals death, he was buried. Three days later he rose from the grave. He defeated death! He cleared the check for our sins! We were and still are, able to be reconciled with God.

Now that we know that we can be with God again, how do we do it. God has offered us a free gift of salvation, through Christ. Jesus died on the Cross, forgiving us of our sins. God loved us that much that he would send his only son to die, for people who disobeyed him. We need to accept that free gift of salvation. We need to tell God that we know that we are sinners, and that we are sorry, we need to ask for forgiveness. Ask him to live in your heart, and change you from the inside out. Tell him you will follow him, and love Him. If you want that gift of salvation here is a prayer, ( you do not have to follow it word by word, this is just the basic, the thing that most follow)

Dear God,
 I know that I am a sinner. I am sorry for the sins I have committed. Please forgive me, and make me anew. Come into my life and change me. I want to live for you, all the rest of my days. Thank You Lord.

Accept His free gift today, you do not know when the Rapture will happen!!

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